Today a bit of analysis. There's nothing quite like numbers to prove a point - numbers in themselves are unbiased - it's how we INTERPRET them that creates debate!
For the comparison below, we are looking at the Average High / Low, Record High / Low and Average Rainfall (not on the same scale as the temperatures!!)
It is a common believe that Sydney's weather the most closely resembles the weather we are used to in South Africa, but after seeing the graphs, I will take such statements with a pinch of salt. No major city in South Africa has close to the rainfall of Sydney!
However, of all the cities Brisbane and Durban are the most similar in both temperature and rainfall, with the Gold Coast a close comparison.
Somewhat surprising (for me at least), Perth and Cape Town not only has similar trends, but are also closer in temperature than Perth compared to the other cities.
Lastly, Melbourne is not THAT bad, but it's also not 'like Cape Town, just more so'. Winter lows doesn't drop as low as Johannesburg / Pretoria, though it rains consistently throughout the year, but still has 2000 sunshine hours. It's maybe just the big difference between the recorded highs and avg maximum temperature in summer that signifies how... hm... temperamental the weather really is!
There really is no city quite like Melbourne...
All data sourced from Wikipedia.
Edit: Yearly Rainfall graph edited to zero-based.
For the comparison below, we are looking at the Average High / Low, Record High / Low and Average Rainfall (not on the same scale as the temperatures!!)
It is a common believe that Sydney's weather the most closely resembles the weather we are used to in South Africa, but after seeing the graphs, I will take such statements with a pinch of salt. No major city in South Africa has close to the rainfall of Sydney!
However, of all the cities Brisbane and Durban are the most similar in both temperature and rainfall, with the Gold Coast a close comparison.
Somewhat surprising (for me at least), Perth and Cape Town not only has similar trends, but are also closer in temperature than Perth compared to the other cities.
Lastly, Melbourne is not THAT bad, but it's also not 'like Cape Town, just more so'. Winter lows doesn't drop as low as Johannesburg / Pretoria, though it rains consistently throughout the year, but still has 2000 sunshine hours. It's maybe just the big difference between the recorded highs and avg maximum temperature in summer that signifies how... hm... temperamental the weather really is!
There really is no city quite like Melbourne...
Temperature and Rainfall patterns - January to December |
Weather comparison legend |
All data sourced from Wikipedia.
Edit: Yearly Rainfall graph edited to zero-based.
Different but very intersting variation. Did you know that if London was on that list, it would vie with Cape Town for driest of the lot? Hope you'll soon find a good balance of weather, living and employment!
ReplyDeleteThing is for asthmatics there must not be mould, so where in Australia is it slightly inland with a summer rainfall?