Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 5: Finding Cocoa

I came to two conclusions today - both independent from our new location. First: The superiority of cats.

The last few days have been reasonably filled with admin-related outings, visits to and from family, exploratory outings to shopping centres (you HAVE to get to know your surroundings!), and generally being surrounded by people. After all, we ARE staying with family! So when the opportunity arrived today to stay alone at home for the morning, I graspes it with both hands.

'Alone' in this case is a concept used fairly liberally, as the house is also inhabited by one times parrot, and two times cat. Ragdoll cat to be specific. Ragdoll-stay-in-the-house cat, to be even more specific. It is a Very Special type of cat, and their specialness are vey much appreciated in this household.

You can then understand my apprehension when I got up from behind my laptop about an hour after the other human inhabitants have left, to find the front door wide open. In South Africa this situation would be deemed irresponsible due to who might enter the house. Here, the concern is largely around who might EXIT.
Close door. Locate Cat One. Humphrey. Located. Sleeping on bed. Check. Locate Cat Two. Cocoa. I repeat: locate Cat Two. Locate Cat Two. Cat Two, show yourself!

The parrot somehow got the gist of the situation and started repeating Come here. Come here. Hello Cocoa. Hello Cocoa. Come here. Come here. at the best f times cats are not known to listen to birds. Let alone colorful birds in cages that manage to always be juuuuuust out of reach.

Forty-two minutes passed as I looked for Cocoa. Under, behind, inside, on top of everything. Nowhere. How am I going to explain losing the cat? Evenif I didn't leave the door open, it was still on my watch that the terrible thing happenned. Not the best of ways to set the tone with the family-in-law-you're-visiting-with. The stay might just get a bit shorter.

Agony. Stupid cat.

Finally I decided to share the misery and send an SMS - or should I say SOS - to husband. Then, just as I rounded the same corner for the umpteenth time, I look straight into Cocoa's eyes. Silly human. You really don't know where I was, do you? And I'm not going to tell you either...

Which brought me to my second conclusion: I really am more of a dog-person!

Cocoa - Cat Superior

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